A guide to using Nemesida WAF as Docker containers.
- PostgreSQL DBMS
- Nemesida WAF API
- Nemesida WAF Cabinet
- Filtering node
- Nemesida AI MLC
- Nemesida WAF Scanner
- Docker Compose
- Kubernetes
To run a container with DBMS PostgreSQL, you need to do the following:
1. Download the image containing the DBMS PostgreSQL:
# docker pull postgres
2. Create a directory for DBMS PostgreSQL configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/nwaf-db
3. Launch the container with the DBMS PostgreSQL image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm --name nwaf-db -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
– container removal after closedown;--name
– container name;-e
– superuser password for PostgreSQL access (required option);-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container;-p 5432:5432
– container port5432
forwarding to the external port5432
4. Stop the container with the DBMS PostgreSQL image to create a basic set of configuration files:
# docker stop /CONTAINER ID/
View the container ID using the command (CONTAINER ID column):
# docker ps -a
5. Allow external database connections by making changes to the file /opt/nwaf/nwaf-db/pg_hba.conf
# IPv4 local connections: host all all md5
6. Access the container console by running the command:
# docker exec -ti /CONTAINER ID/ /bin/bash
View the container ID using the command (CONTAINER ID column):
# docker ps -a
7. Create a database, user and password to connect the Nemesida WAF Cabinet component:
Make sure that the containers
have access to the corresponding database with the command:psql -h <server_ip> -U <db_user> <database>
from the container. When connecting, enter the password of the user of the corresponding database.
# docker ps -a
If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
1. When the container is stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm postgres
2. Download the image containing the DBMS PostgreSQL:
# docker pull postgres
3. Run the container with DBMS PostgreSQL using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm --name nwaf-db -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
To deploy the Nemesida WAF API container, follow these steps:Designed for all plans.
1. Load the image containing the Nemesida WAF API modules:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-api:3.0.832The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
2. Create a directory for configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api
3. Create file first-launch
in the configuration files directory:
# touch /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api/first-launch
4. Run the container with Nemesida WAF API using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api:/nwaf-api -p 8080:8080 nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
5. Stop the container with the Nemesida WAF API image to create a basic set of configuration files:
# docker stop /container ID/
View the container ID using the command (CONTAINER ID column):
# docker ps -a
6. Install PostgreSQL on a separate server and create a database, user and password to connect the Nemesida WAF API component:
# su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE waf;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE ROLE nw_api PASSWORD 'YOUR_PASSWORD';\"" # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"GRANT ALL ON DATABASE waf TO nw_api;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER ROLE nw_api WITH LOGIN;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql waf -c \"GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO nw_api;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql waf -c \"GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO nw_api;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql waf -c \"GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO nw_api;\""
7. Allow external database connections by making changes to the pg_hba.conf
# IPv4 local connections: host all all md5
Be sure to check that the container has access to the created database by connecting to it with the command:
psql -h <server_ip> -U nw_api waf
from the container. When connecting, enter the password ofnw_api
8. For directories nwaf-api
allow read access for everyone:
# chmod -R 0555 /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api
9. Make changes to the configuration files according to the instructions in the Nemesida WAF API manual.
10. Run the container with Nemesida WAF API using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api:/nwaf-api -p 8080:8080 nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api:/nwaf-api
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container;-p 8080:8080
– container port8080
forwarding to the external port8080
If you have problems starting services after starting the container, add the
--ulimit nofile=65536:65536
option to the container startup command.Example:
# docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api:/nwaf-api -p 8080:8080 nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
# docker ps -a
If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
1. With the container stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
2. Load the image containing the Nemesida WAF API modules:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-api:3.0.832The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
3. Run the container with Nemesida WAF API using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api:/nwaf-api -p 8080:8080 nemesida/nwaf-api:latest
After the update, previous versions of the configuration files will be placed in old
To deploy the Nemesida WAF Cabinet container, follow these steps:Designed for all plans.
1. Load the image containing the Nemesida WAF Cabinet modules:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:3.1.663The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
2. Create a directory for configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet
3. Create file first-launch
in the configuration files directory:
# touch /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet/first-launch
4. Run the container with Nemesida WAF Cabinet using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet -p 8090:80 nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
5. Stop the container with the Nemesida WAF Cabinet image to create a basic set of configuration files:
# docker stop /container ID/
View the container ID using the command (CONTAINER ID column):
# docker ps -a
6. Install PostgreSQL on a separate server and create a database, user and password to connect the Nemesida WAF Cabinet component:
# su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE cabinet;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE ROLE nw_cabinet PASSWORD 'YOUR_PASSWORD';\"" # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"GRANT ALL ON DATABASE cabinet TO nw_cabinet;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER ROLE nw_cabinet WITH LOGIN;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql cabinet -c \"GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO nw_cabinet;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql cabinet -c \"GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO nw_cabinet;\"" # su - postgres -c "psql cabinet -c \"GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO nw_cabinet;\""
7. Allow external connections to the database by making changes to the pg_hba.conf
# IPv4 local connections: host all all md5
Be sure to check that the container has access to the created database by connecting to it with the command:
psql -h <server_ip> -U nw_cabinet cabinet
from the container. When connecting, enter the password ofnw_cabinet
8. For directories nwaf-cabinet
allow read access for everyone:
# chmod -R 0555 /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet
9. Make changes to the configuration files according to the instructions in the Nemesida WAF Cabinet manual.
10. Run the container with Nemesida WAF Cabinet using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet -p 8090:80 nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container;-p 8090:80
– container port80
forwarding to the external port8090
If you have problems starting services after starting the container, add the
--ulimit nofile=65536:65536
option to the container startup command.Example:
# docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet -p 8090:80 nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
11. Run the migration and account creation command and follow the script instructions:
# docker exec -ti /container ID/ bash -c "bash /opt/migrate.sh"
View the container ID using the command (CONTAINER ID column):
# docker ps -a
# docker ps -a
If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
1. With the container stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
2. Load the image containing the Nemesida WAF Cabinet modules:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:3.1.663The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
3. Run the container with Nemesida WAF Cabinet using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet -p 8090:80 nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
After the update, previous versions of the configuration files will be placed in old
To deploy the filtering node container one has to do the following:
Currently, the image is only available with latest version of Nginx stable.
1. Load an image containing the dynamic module and Nemesida AI MLA:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn:5.1.4937The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
2. Create a directory for the dynamic module configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/waf-config
3. Create file first-launch
in the configuration files directory:
# touch /opt/nwaf/waf-config/first-launch
4. Run the container with dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
The container will terminate by creating a basic set of configuration files in the configuration files directory.
5. Edit the configuration files according to the instructions.
6. Run the container with dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container.
If you have problems starting services after launching the docker container, add the
--ulimit nofile=65536:65536
option to the container launch command.Example:
# docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
Currently, the image is only available with latest version of Nginx stable.
1. Load an image containing the dynamic module:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:5.1.4937The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
2. Create a directory for dynamic module configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/waf-config
3. Create file first-launch
in the configuration files directory:
# touch /opt/nwaf/waf-config/first-launch
4. Run the container with dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:latest
The container will terminate by creating a basic set of configuration files in the configuration files directory.
5. Edit the configuration files according to the instructions.
6. Run the container with dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container.
If you have problems starting services after launching the docker container, add the
--ulimit nofile=65536:65536
option to the container launch command.Example:
# docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
1. Before updating the image with a filtering node, verify if the container is running. To do this, view the container ID (CONTAINER ID column) using the command:
# docker ps -a
2. If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
3. With the container stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
4. Load an image containing the dynamic module and Nemesida AI MLA:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn:5.1.4937The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
5. Run the container with dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest
After the update, previous versions of the configuration files will be placed in old
1. Before updating the image with a filtering node, verify if the container is running. To do this, view the container ID (CONTAINER ID column) using the command:
# docker ps -a
2. If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
3. With the container stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:latest
4. Load an image containing the dynamic module:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:5.1.4937The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
5. Run the container with dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs -p 80:80 -p 5672:5672 nemesida/nwaf-dyn-ce:latest
After the update, previous versions of the configuration files will be placed in old
Used only in the commercial version of Nemesida WAF.
To deploy the Nemesida AI MLC container, follow these steps:
1. Download the image containing the Nemesida AI MLC module:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn:5.1.4937The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
2. Create a directory for Nemesida AI MLC configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/mlc-config
3. In the configuration files directory, create the first-launch
# touch /opt/nwaf/mlc-config/first-launch
4. Launch the container with the Nemesida AI MLC image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/mlc-config:/nwaf_mlc.configs nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
The container will finish its work on its own by creating a basic set of configuration files in the configuration files directory.
5. Edit the configuration files according to the instructions.
The values for the
parameter are stored in the configuration file of the container with the dynamic module/opt/waf/waf-config/rabbitmq_password
6. Launch the container with the dynamic module image using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/mlc-config:/nwaf_mlc.configs nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
– deleting the container after completion of work;-d
– running the container in the background;-v /opt/nwaf/mlc-config:/nwaf_mlc.configs
– mounting a directory with configuration files inside the container.
If you have problems starting services after launching the docker container, add the
--ulimit nofile=65536:65536
option to the container launch command.Example:
# docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/mlc-config:/nwaf_mlc.configs nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
1. Before updating the Nemesida AI MLC image, check whether the container is running. To do this, you need to look at the container ID (CONTAINER ID column) using the command:
# docker ps -a
2. If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
3. When the container is stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
4. Download the image containing the Nemesida AI MLC module:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-dyn:5.1.4937The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
5. Run the container with Nemesida AI MLC using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/mlc-config:/nwaf_mlc.configs nemesida/nwaf-mlc:latest
After the update, the previous versions of the configuration files will be placed in the old
To deploy Nemesida WAF Scanner Docker container one has to do the following: 1. Load the image containing the Nemesida WAF Scanner:Designed for the Enterprise plan.
For correct work of the Nemesida WAF Scanner module, you need to provide access to the web application bypassing the Nemesida WAF.
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-scanner:7.0.255The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
2. Create a directory for Nemesida WAF Scanner configuration files:
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner
3. Create file first-launch
in the configuration files directory:
# touch /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner/first-launch
4. Run the container with Nemesida WAF Scanner using the command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner/:/nwaf-scanner nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner:/nwaf-scanner
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container.
The container will finish its work on its own by creating a basic set of configuration files in the configuration files directory.
5. Make changes to the configuration files according to the instructions on the documentation page Nemesida WAF Scanner.
View the container ID using the command (CONTAINER ID column):
# docker ps -a
6. Stop the container with the Nemesida WAF API modules and the Nemesida WAF Cabinet with the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
7. Make changes to the configuration files for connecting to database of modules Nemesida WAF API and the Nemesida WAF Cabinet modules to interact with Nemesida WAF Scanner:
- In file
listen_addresses = '*'
- In file
host all all md5
8. Run the container with Nemesida WAF API, Nemesida WAF Cabinet and Nemesida WAF Scanner, using commands:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet -p 8090:80 nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container;-p 8090:80
– container port80
forwarding to the external port8090
# docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner/:/nwaf-scanner nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
– container removal after closedown;-d
– container running in background mode;-v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner:/nwaf-scanner
– mounting the directory with configuration files inside the container.
If you have problems starting services after launching the docker container, add the
--ulimit nofile=65536:65536
option to the container launch command.Example:
# docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet:/nwaf-cabinet -p 8090:80 nemesida/nwaf-cabinet:latest # docker run --rm --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner/:/nwaf-scanner nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
9. To start the scan process, run the command:
docker exec -ti /container ID/ bash -c "/usr/bin/nws"
# docker ps -a
2. If the container is running, stop it using the command:
# docker stop /container ID/
3. With the container stopped, delete the image:
# docker image rm nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
4. Load the image containing the Nemesida WAF Scanner modules:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
To download a specific version of the image, replace
with the required version.Example:
# docker pull nemesida/nwaf-scanner:7.0.255The list of images is available in the corresponding section.
5. Run the container with Nemesida WAF Scanner, using command:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker run --rm -d -v /opt/nwaf/nwaf-scanner/:/nwaf-scanner nemesida/nwaf-scanner:latest
1. Install the Docker Compose;
2. Download the docker-compose.yml file with launch parameters;
3. Create directories for Nemesida WAF config files relative to loaded docker-compose.yml
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/{waf-config,mlc-config,nwaf-api,nwaf-cabinet,nwaf-scanner,nwaf-db}
4. Create a first-launch
file in the configuration file directories:
# touch /opt/nwaf/{waf-config,mlc-config,nwaf-api,nwaf-cabinet,nwaf-scanner}/first-launch
5. Run Docker Compose using the commands:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker-compose up --build -d
6. For directories nwaf-api
and nwaf-cabinet
allow read access for everyone:
# chmod -R 0555 /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api # chmod -R 0555 /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet
7. Perform migrations and create users for the Nemesida WAF Cabinet modules:
# docker-compose exec nwaf-cabinet "/bin/bash" "/opt/migrate.sh"
8. Stop Docker Compose:
# docker-compose down
9. Make changes to the configuration files according to the instructions on the documentation pages Dynamic module, Nemesida AI MLC, Nemesida WAF API, Nemesida WAF Cabinet and Nemesida WAF Scanner.
10. Run Docker Compose using the commands:
# iptables -t filter -N DOCKER # docker-compose up -d
If you have problems starting services after starting containers, then make changes to
by adding theulimits
section to the appropriate section of the desired container.Example:
nwaf-dyn: image: nemesida/nwaf-dyn:latest container_name: nwaf-dyn ports: - 80:80 - 5672:5672 volumes: - /opt/nwaf/waf-config:/nginx.configs ulimits: nofile: soft: "65536" hard: "65536"
1. Install the Kubernetes;
2. Download the kubernetes-compose.yml file with launch parameters;
3. Create directories for Nemesida WAF config files relative to loaded kubernetes-compose.yml
# mkdir -p /opt/nwaf/{waf-config,mlc-config,nwaf-api,nwaf-cabinet,nwaf-scanner,nwaf-db}
4. Create a first-launch
file in the configuration file directories:
# touch /opt/nwaf/{waf-config,mlc-config,nwaf-api,nwaf-cabinet,nwaf-scanner}/first-launch
5. Run Kubernetes using the commands:
# kubectl apply -f kubernetes-compose.yml
6. For directories nwaf-api
and nwaf-cabinet
allow read access for everyone:
# chmod -R 0555 /opt/nwaf/nwaf-api # chmod -R 0555 /opt/nwaf/nwaf-cabinet
7. Perform migrations and create users for the Nemesida WAF Cabinet modules:
# kubectl exec -ti /container name/ -- /bin/bash -c "/opt/migrate.sh"
View the container name (Name column) using the command:
# kubectl get pods
8. Make changes to the configuration files according to the instructions on the documentation pages Dynamic module, Nemesida AI MLC, Nemesida WAF API, Nemesida WAF Cabinet and Nemesida WAF Scanner.
For the components to work correctly, it is recommended to change the standard port used by the Nemesida WAF Cabinet. To do this, make the appropriate changes to the configuration file
and, if necessary, to the file kubernetes-compose.yml with startup parameters.
9. Run Kubernetes using the commands:
# kubectl apply -f kubernetes-compose.yml
The containers will be deleted and automatically replaced with new ones.