Step-by-step instructions for startup Nemesida WAF components into operation.

Filtering node
Filtering node is designed to analyze requests and decide whether to block them in case signs of attacks or other anomalies are detected.

Installation and configuration

Installing the component consists of following all the steps in the manual.

When setting up the filtering node, it is necessary:

1. Check that granted access to external resources;

2. Check that the dynamic module is integrated into the Nginx web server;

3. Check that the version of the installed dynamic module (package nwaf-dyn) corresponds to the installed version of the Nginx web server;

4. Check that the required parameters are set in the /etc/nginx/nwaf/conf/global/nwaf.conf file.

More detailed information is available in the relevant section of the manual.

Checking the configuration

Before checking the operation of the filtering node, you need to make sure that the Nginx web server configuration is correct and restart the services:

# nginx -t
# systemctl restart nginx rabbitmq-server memcached nwaf_update mla_main api_firewall
# systemctl status nginx rabbitmq-server memcached nwaf_update mla_main api_firewall

If there are no errors when checking the configuration and all services are active, then:

1. Check for possible errors in the logs:

  • /var/log/nwaf/mla.log;
  • /var/log/nwaf/nwaf_update.log.

2. Check for the file /etc/nginx/nwaf/rules.bin and its size. If the file is missing or empty, then you must provide access to external resources.

3. We are sending a test request:

# curl -i http://WAF_SERVER/nwaftest

If everything is configured correctly, the response from the filtering node will contain the code 403, and a message will appear in the log /var/log/nginx/error.log:

Nemesida WAF: the request 5274fe3c397782a09b4f1b057e572e21 blocked by role ID 1 in zone URL, ...

If the request is not blocked, then follow the steps from the corresponding section manuals.

Nemesida AI
The machine learning module consists of the Nemesida AI MLA machine learning agent (included in the nwaf-dyn package and basically does not require configuration) and the Nemesida AI MLC machine learning module.

Installation and initial setup

When configuring the component, it must be checked that:

1. Granted access to external resources;

2. The required parameters are set in the /opt/mlc/mlc.conf file;

3. Produced by setting up data collection to build a behavioral model.

Checking the configuration

When checking the Nemesida AI MLC configuration, you must:

1. Restart the services and check their status:

# systemctl restart mlc_main rabbitmq-server memcached
# systemctl status mlc_main rabbitmq-server memcached

2. Check for errors in the component log /var/log/nwaf/mlc.log.

Nemesida WAF API
The Nemesida WAF API is designed for components to interact with each other, as well as receive information about incidents and identified vulnerabilities for transmission to the database.

Installation and initial setup

When configuring the component, you need to make sure that:

1. Grant access to external resources;

2. The required parameters are set in the file /var/www/nw-api/;

3. integration Nemesida WAF API with other Nemesida WAF components has been performed.

More detailed information is available in the relevant section of the manual.

Checking the configuration

When checking the Nemesida WAF API configuration, you must:

1. Restart the services and check their status:

# systemctl restart nw-api rldscupd nginx memcached
# systemctl status nw-api rldscupd nginx memcached

2. Check for errors in the component log /var/log/uwsgi/nw-api/*.log;

3. Resend the test request to the filtering node:

# curl -i http://WAF_SERVER/nwaftest

If everything is configured correctly, then when the request is blocked by the filtering node, information about the blocked request will appear in the log /var/log/uwsgi/nw-api/nw-api-logging.log:

Updating description for RuleID 1
Request a9d946493221337236b41a7ad0a3120a (BT: 2, client:, server:, WAF ID: 1234567890) received from

If the entry does not appear, then follow the steps from the corresponding section manuals.

Nemesida WAF Cabinet
The component is designed to visualize and systematize information about attacks and identified vulnerabilities, as well as manage the settings of Nemesida WAF and Nginx web server.

Installation and initial setup

When configuring the component, you need to make sure that:

1. Grant access to external resources;

2. The required parameters are set in the file /var/www/app/cabinet/;

3. There are no errors when performing migrations and creating an administrator:

Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, main, sessions
Running migrations:
Applying main.0001_initial... OK
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying main.0091_userconfig_bt16... OK
Applying main.0092_geo_tokens... OK
Applying main.0093_wafuser_ec_toggle... OK
Applying main.0094_alter_geo_tokens_waf_id... OK
Applying main.0095_training... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
Superuser's e-mail:

More detailed information is available in the corresponding section of the manual.

Checking the configuration

When checking the Nemesida WAF Cabinet configuration you must:

1. Restart services and check their status:

# systemctl restart nginx cabinet cabinet_ipinfo cabinet_attack_notification cabinet_cleaning_db cabinet_rule_update memcached
# systemctl status nginx cabinet cabinet_ipinfo cabinet_attack_notification cabinet_cleaning_db cabinet_rule_update memcached

2. Check for errors in the component log /var/log/uwsgi/cabinet/*.log;

3. Resend the test request to the filtering node:

# curl -i http://WAF_SERVER/nwaftest

If everything is configured correctly, the request that was blocked will be displayed in the Nemesida WAF Cabinet. If the entry does not appear, then follow the steps from the corresponding section of the manual.

4. Activate the Nemesida WAF settings management functionality using the web interface Nemesida WAF Cabinet.

Activating web application protection
After completing the basic configuration of the filtering node and testing its operation, you can proceed to activate the protection of the web application. As a rule, the web application server and the filtering node are different servers, so incoming requests from clients will not automatically be sent to the filtering node server for analysis. To activate the protection of a web application, you need to configure the filtering node as an intermediate server that will receive and analyze client requests, and then block/redirect them to the server of the protected web application. One of the methods of configuring the interaction between the filtering node and the protected web application is the “reverse proxy”. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Activate the parameters of the monitoring mode (passive mode) of the filtering node in Nemesida WAF Cabinet:

  • Activating the request analysis monitoring mode for an IP address:
  • Activating the query analysis monitoring mode for the virtual host:

The monitoring mode (passive mode) is designed to prevent blocking requests for the setup period. Activation of the monitoring mode for an IP address is used in cases where it is necessary to exclude blocking when accessing from a certain list of IP addresses (as a rule, from IP addresses belonging to the IT department that configure components), and activation of the monitoring mode for a virtual host eliminates blocking requests for all clients of the web application.

2. Configure the operation of the filtering node as a reverse proxy using the appropriate section manuals;

3. Override matching IP address and domain name so that requests arrive at the filtering node (for example, by editing the DNS A record).

After completing the configuration of the components, the monitoring mode activation parameters must be deactivated and make sure that the protection is active by sending a test request to the filtering node:

# curl -i http://YOUR_SERVER/nwaftest
Activation of Nemesida AI
To activate the Nemesida AI machine learning module, follow these steps in Nemesida WAF Cabinet:

  • Create a list of virtual hosts for which a behavioral model will be created and applied:

To activate the mechanism for detecting brute force/flood/DDoS attacks and parasitic bots activity by the Nemesida AI machine learning module, follow these steps in Nemesida WAF Cabinet:

  • Activate the DDoS attack and parasitic bots activity detection parameters:

  • Activate the parameters for detecting attacks using the brute force/flood method:

In case of problems related to the processing of requests by the machine module, follow the steps in the corresponding section of the manual: